所谓真爱无国界,无论你是与美国公民结婚,还是与美国绿卡持有者结婚,都快让大家一起来见证你们幸福吧。在递交了美国永久性居民绿卡身份转换表格之后,等待大家的就是“严格”的面试了。之所以称之为“严格”,因为面试官的问题太细致以至于到 “令人发指”的地步,比如,“昨天早上你们夫妻是谁先起床的呢?”对于神经大条的夫妻来说,怎么会记得这些细节呢?别怕,小纽来啦!下面,小纽就根据时间顺序,为大家精心总结了婚姻面试问题的大锦囊,专门针对面试官各种“刁难”的问题。
Q1: How did you know each other? (你们是如何认识的呢?)
Q2: Who did the proposal? (你们是谁求的婚?)
Q3: Where did the proposal take place? (求婚是在哪里发生的呢?)
Q4: When and where did you meet first time? (你们第一次见面什么时候,在哪里?)
Q5: How long did you know each other before/after he/she came U.S. (在TA来美国之前或者之后,你们认识了多久?)
Q6: Where did he live when you know him? (在你认识他的时候他居住在哪里?)
Q7: Is this your first time come to U.S.? (这是你第一次来美国吗?)
Q8: When is his/her birthday? (TA的生日是什么时候?)
Q9: Who bought the wedding ring and where? (谁买的结婚戒指?在哪里买的?)
Q10: Why do you want to marry him/her? (你为什么想跟TA结婚?)
Q1: Where did you marry? (你们在哪里结婚的?)
Q2: What did you do after your marriage? (你们结婚后去做了什么?)
Q3: Where did you go on your honeymoon? (你们是在哪里度蜜月的?)
Q4: What did you do last Valentine’s Day? (你们上个情人节都做了什么?)
Q5: When and where did you go to watch movie last time? (你们上一次一起去看电影是什么时候,在哪里?)
Q6: Did you have any major arguments after the marriage with your spouse? (你跟TA在婚后是否有过什么主要的争吵?)
Q7: Did you go to any theme park or national park together after the marriage? (婚后你们是否一起去过什么主题公园?)
Q8: Did you buy any gift for your husband or wife? (你是否买过什么礼物给你的先生或太太?)
Q9: Is there a sliding door in your master bathroom? (你主卧室淋浴间有玻璃拉门吗?)
Q10: What do you use for birth control? (你们是怎么避孕的?)
Q1: Have your parents meet your husband or wife? (你的父母见过你的先生/太太吗?)
Q2: What’s your husband or wife’s birthday? (你先生/太太的生日是什么时候?)
Q3: What’s your husband or wife’s cell phone number? (你先生/太太的手机号码多少?)
Q4: Did your husband or wife attend college? (你的先生/太太上过大学吗?)
Q5: What kind of TV shows does your husband or wife watch? (你的先生/太太通常看什么电视节目呢?)
Q6: Are his/her parents alive? (TA的父母健在吗?)
Q7: What car does he/she drive? (TA开什么车?)
Q8: Do you or your spouse have any pets? (你或者你的配偶养宠物吗?)
Q9: What time did your husband or wife go to sleep last night? (昨晚你的先生/太太是什么时候睡觉的?)
Q10: Do you know if there are any tattoos or scars on the body of your spouse? (你知道你配偶身上是否有纹身或者疤痕吗?)
Q1: What’s your current address? (你现在的住址是什么?)
Q2: Where did you live in China? (你曾经在中国的哪里居住?)
Q3: Did you complete college? (你有完成大学的学业吗?)
Q4: Where do you work? (你在哪里工作?)
Q5: What kind of sport do you play? (你从事什么样的运动?)
Q6: Do you rent or own? (你是租的房子还是买的房子?)
Q7: How much salary do you have per month? (你的月薪多少?)
Q8: Do you have brothers or sisters? (你有兄弟姐妹吗?)
Q9: What’s your religion? (你的宗教信仰是什么?)
Q10: Have you married before? (你之前结过婚吗?)