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【美国移民】Path America(美国之路)就SEC调查一事致“合作伙伴与投资人”声明

上周,EB5Sir报道了SEC起诉Path America(美国之路区域中心)的新闻,今天受Path America之托,将其就此事的声明,通过此微信平台发布。目的无他,就是平衡报道。SEC有起诉的权利,Path America也有应诉的权利,最终Path America是否违反美国的证券法规,将由法院判决,而非SEC的单方指控。既然,EB5Sir报道了SEC的起诉,那Path America的声明,读者朋友们也应该有机会读到。


August 28, 2015


Dear partners and investors,


First, the company would like to acknowledge the complaint filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission against Path America. Secondly, we want to assure you that your investment is safe and intact, and your green card application is not in jeopardy as a result the actions of the SEC. Thirdly, we want you to know that we will be seeking to show that we did not defraud our investors as the SEC alleges.

首先,公司确认美国证券交易委员会向美国之路和达奇置业提起诉讼。其次,我们向您承诺您的投资安全无损,您的绿卡申请未受到SEC调查影响。最后,我们想让您知道我们将力求证明我们没有像 SEC所称欺诈投资人。

It has been a difficult time for us here at Path America, and we can only imagine the alarm with which you, a valued investor, may have greeted our unwelcomed news earlier this week. But be assured we have retained expert legal counsel, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe lawyers Dan Dunne and George Greer, who are working as quickly as possible to resolve the matter.

对美国之路来说这是一个艰难的时刻,我们可以想象对您,尊贵的投资人,在这周早些时候听到这个不受欢迎新闻的时候的震惊。但是请放心我们已经聘请了专业法律顾问Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe的Dan Dunne和George Greer, 他们正在以最快速度解决这个问题。

By way of background, we had no notice that the SEC was investigating us until this past Monday. We will be fully disclosing to the SEC all financial documentation related to our development projects in Everett and Seattle, Washington. We are confident that, after it completes its own thorough review, the SEC will conclude that the company made appropriate disclosures to our investors.


As we seek to fully cooperate with the SEC, our goal is to ensure that our ongoing development projects go forward and that our investors’ interests are protected. Construction of our Pagoda Village Everett project has not been affected, and is ongoing. The Seattle Tower Project is in the excavation stage, and excavation activity has been continuing. It is important to note that our project capitalization flows from a variety of streams, including private equity, debt financing and EB-5 funds. We have been in contact with our loan provider since we learned of the SEC investigation, and our provider has reaffirmed its commitment to us. Our projects remain fully capitalized, and the jobs estimated for these projects will be created.


While the company was as surprised as you were upon hearing the news of the SEC’s complaint against Path America, we do wish to extend our sincerest apologies to you for any worry this episode may have caused you.





Path America
