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【美国移民】CNN:中国富人买美国绿卡恐更难 | 热点解读

EB-5一直会有些或大或小的热文,今天又来了传出来一篇刷屏的文章,源自10月11日的CNN Monday的文章,题为:It may get harder for rich Chinese to buy green cards的文章,然后经过侨报网翻译转载后(EB-5政策调整 中国富人获美国绿卡恐更难),昨天开始传上国内的大小媒体。有朋友说来辟下谣吧,找了CNN原文和侨报的翻译报道,认真读了下,倒还真没啥大的问题。当然,媒体的特性还是,多少会有些耸人听闻,与事实理解起来有些偏差。





现行政策的支持者表示, 外国投资者提供了一个重要的替代性资金来源,使大型房地产投资从中受益,比如布鲁克林的大西洋广场,和一些小的项目,诸如生产食品可降解容器的北达科他州的工厂。





1. 购买绿卡将变得更为昂贵

EB-5计划,当前要求外国投资者依据投资项目,投入50至100万美元的资金,并保证该项目将为美国提供就业岗位。而一项改革建议,则将投资金额提高至80至120万美元,同时保证原有的就业要求。该政策自1990年颁布以来,对于投资金额的调整已经延迟了很久,尽管更高的资金要求不太可能“减少投资移民的人数”,麦楷博平会计师事务所办理EB-5业务的David Appel表示。




2. 需披露更多的财务信息

寻求EB-5投资的项目,要求申请者在如何支配投资资金方面披露更多的信息。更为严格的审查制度,同样要求项目方 - 诸如房产开发商 - 没有犯罪记录。

“这笔投资将支付哪些人的收入,以及这笔资金将用于做什么,等更为详细的投资证明将被要求提供,政府可以此判断这其中是否存在欺诈行为。”移民律师Ron Klasko说,“这是对投资者的保护。”




3. 投资者将不得不向他们从未听说的村镇进行投资




问题是“中国投资者对乡下并不感兴趣”,移民律师Bernard Wolfsdorf表示,他们把钱投到自己熟悉的地方会感到更加安全,例如旧金山而不是爱荷华州的某个小镇。



4. 变革将可能回溯




1. 第一点,涨价,应该是国会共识;

2. 第二点,第一部分,加强项目方和区域中心监管也是共识;第二部分,是否会严格按照6月4日参议院的提案,严格资金来源证明到苛刻的地方,尚不得知。不过,严格资金来源证明一定是趋势,单从移民局最近的做法而言,我们就已经能看出来。

3. 第三点,TEA定义的争议,是所有争议中最大的,而且是所谓的意识形态的争议,究竟鹿死谁手,不得而知,希望双方能拿出个中庸的方案。

4. 第四点,祖父条款,按照CNN所谓的回溯回去的可能性,个人认为非常小,难点在于新法案生效后,如果对老项目的新投资者如何有个宽限期的问题。

总之,CNN Money的报道,与实际情况只是略有出入,就是几个标题有些吓人。最后,再强调一点,在所有都未有定论的当下,刚忙过9.30,继续忙12.11才是正事。

原文作者:Sophia Yan,原文来源:CNN Money,翻译:侨报。

It may get harder for rich Chinese to buy green cards
By Sophia Yan

It's about to get a lot harder to buy a green card.

The U.S. government runs a program that grants permanent residency to foreigners who sink at least $500,000 into a job-creating investment. The controversial immigrant investor program, known as EB-5, has been hugely popular with rich Chinese, but lawmakers are considering changes that could make getting a green card a bit tougher.

Supporters of the program say foreign investors have provided an important alternative source of financing, benefiting major real estate investments, such as Brooklyn's Atlantic Yards and smaller projects, like a North Dakota factory that makes biodegradable food containers.

But critics argue that it's a way for the global elite to buy U.S. citizenship. They say the scheme has too much red tape and parts of it are mismanaged to the point of fraud.

A number of reform proposals have been floated in Congress, which recently issued a temporary stopgap measure that will keep the current program running past its original expiration date until early December.

Here are four ways the program is likely to change:

1) It's going to get more expensive

The EB-5 program currently requires foreign investors to invest at least $500,000 or $1 million depending on the project, and prove those funds helped to create jobs. One of the legislative proposals on the table now would raise those amounts to $800,000 to $1.2 million, while keeping the job-creation provisions.

The program, which has been around since 1990, is long overdue for an investment amount adjustment, though the higher rate is unlikely to "decrease the number of people investing in the program," said Marcum's David Appel, an accountant who works on EB-5 issues.

It does, however, mean it will be tougher for wealthy Chinese to participate. China has strict capital controls, which restrict the amount of cash that individuals can take out of the country. A higher investment amount will mean that interested applicants will have to plan further in advance to move the funds out of China.

Still, even at an increased rate, the U.S. program remains cheaper than similar programs in other countries.

Related: U.S. runs out of investor visas again as Chinese flood program

2) Increased financial disclosures

Projects seeking EB-5 funding will likely be required to provide more information about how investor money is being spent. Increased scrutiny is also expected to show that parties working on the investments -- such as real estate developers -- don't have a criminal history.

"There will be more disclosure of who is getting paid with their money, what use is being made of their money ... so the government can see if there is any fraud going on," said Ron Klasko, an immigration lawyer. "These are really protections for the investors."

At the same time, investors will probably also be subject to a more thorough review of where exactly their investment funds came from. They'll have to be able to prove that it was legally earned and transferred to the U.S.

Some proposals in Congress would even prohibit some funding sources, such as a large monetary gift from a friend.

The EB-5 program has been a target for fraud, from both businesses and investors.

Earlier this year, Shilan Zhao, the ex-wife of a former Chinese official, was arrested in Washington state on charges of money laundering and immigration fraud, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Zhao and her ex-husband, Jianjun Qiao, were charged with fraudulently obtaining visas through the EB-5 program.

3) Investors may have to invest in rural towns they've never heard of

Lawmakers are locked in a battle over whether EB-5 projects should be focused on rural or urban areas. Current projects are in both, with many in big cities, such as New York or Los Angeles.

Some say investments in affluent urban areas are effective in adding jobs to a community, as they're often surrounded by low employment areas. A major skyscraper being built in Manhattan, for example, is likely to create jobs for people who live in the surrounding area, who can't afford to live in the city, Klasko said.

Others, however, say the program should be focused on sending funds to rural areas where more people are seeking work.

The problem is that "Chinese investors are less interested in rural areas," said immigration attorney Bernard Wolfsdorf. They feel more secure sinking their money into places they're familiar with, such as San Francisco, rather than a small town in Iowa.

Experts say this particular point is a typical political battle -- members of Congress seeking investments for their home states and districts -- and it remains to be seen how this issue will be resolved.

4) The changes could be retroactive

With these changes, lawmakers can choose when they'll be effective. They could decide to allow them to kick in immediately, or in the future, but they could also choose roll back the effective date. That means applicants who had applied previously to the program could all of a sudden be subject to new requirements and a higher investment amount.