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Have You Seen the Tree


My neighbor Mrs. Gargan first told me about it."Have you seen the tree?" she asked as I was sitting in the backyard enjoying the Octobertwilight.


"The one down at the corner," she explained. "It's a beautiful tree-all kinds of colors.Cars are stopping to look. You ought to see it."


I told her I would, but I soon forgot about the tree. Three days later, I wasjogging down the street, my mind swimming withpettyworries, when asplashof bright orange caught my eye. For an instant, I thought someone's house had caught fire. Then I remembered the tree.


As Iapproached it, I slowed to a walk. There was nothing remarkable about the shape of the tree. a medium-sizedmaple. But Mrs. Gargan had been right about its colors.Like themessywhirlof an artist'spalette, the treeblazed a bright crimson on its lower branches, burned with vivid yellows and oranges in its center. and simmered to deep red at its top. Through thesefierycolors cascaded thinrivulets of pale-green leaves andblotches of deep-green leaves, as yet untouched by autumn.


Edging closer-like apilgrimapproaching ashrine-I noticed several bare branches near the top, their blacktwigsscratching the air likeclaws.The leaves they had shed lay like a scarlet carpet around the trunk.
