英国留学林肯大学(University of Lincoln)2018年9月入学及2019年2月入学最新奖学金政策
1.1 There will be a new £2000 Scholarship for UG students entering level one of all three year programmes. This scholarship will apply to the first year of study only. - ( please note this does not apply SG foundation progression students).(申请本科三年课程,并从大一开始入读的学生,可获得2000英镑奖学金。奖学金只适用于本科第一年(注意:该奖学金不适用于从SG预科升读大一的学生))
1.2 There will be a £1,000 scholarship for students who enter a final year “top-up” programme.(Top-up的学生,即只读本科最后一年的学生可获得1000英镑奖学金)
2、Postgraduate Taught(PGT)Scholarships(NEW)授课式研究生课程奖学金(新增)
£2000 Global Merit Scholarship (2:2 and above)(入读授课式研究生课程的学生可获得2000英镑磅奖学金.(仅限英国2:2和以上学位或者相应学位等级的学生,三等学位学生不适用))
3、Maintain the International Alumni Scholarship of £2,000, to continue to include progression students from Study Group’s pre-masters course.(完成SG硕士预科后升读硕士课程的学生可获得2000英磅奖学金)
4、Maintain the International Alumni Scholarship £2000 to PGR students.(入读研究型硕士课程的学生可获得2000英磅奖学金)
5、Maintain the 20% Commonwealth Scholarship (discount) for sponsored Masters and PhD.(有助学金的研究生和博士生可享受20%联邦奖学金(即折扣))