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卡迪夫大学MA Digital Media and Society个人陈述写作说明

近日,合作院校卡迪夫大学发来最新消息:因为近期收到许多数字媒体与社会(MA Digital Media and Society)申请,其中学生提交的个人陈述并没有充分体现对专业的理解/兴趣



'The MA Digital Media and Society is a theory/academic based programme which looks to understand digital media and its implications for the social, political, economic and cultural environment. It also looks to address current areas of concern, such as social media use, big data, the sharing economy, privacy and surveillance, internet governance, digital rights, and citizen journalism. The Course Director can only accept applicants whose Personal Statement demonstrates very clearly their interest in digital media, internet, social media and its impact on society. This is not a practical course which offers training'.
