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IELTS_test 11.17我的感觉

作文的题目很怪,居然是"幸福",为什么很难定义,获得幸福要具备什么factors?有点像托福作文. 口语考的很爽!那个考官很程序化,第一阶段,只说了两句话:let's talk something about your hometown. ok,let's talk something about your reading. 然后就进入第二阶段了.我的card是;hobby.很好的一张卡片.我就说了swimming.这是个万能话题,可以对付hobby,sport,holiday等等的问题.在新东方模拟面试的时候,我就没有把握好两分钟的时间,结果使劲到了,才说了一个subtopic.这次就吸取了教训.时间掌握非常好. 第三阶段,他说,let's talk about some general topic, what do you think about the social benefit of hobby? 这可是个意料之外的问题.我只好用上了废话策略,说,social benefit? oh, i haven't paid much attention to this problem, and i think it's not a very easy question to answer.but ,i believe that hobbies do have their social benefits.说道这里,我已经想好了应该怎样回答.诸如,不会显得没事儿干,rob people for fun,有助于减少社会犯罪,有助于提高人们心理健康水平,hobbies can act the role of psychiagists.我觉得,其实不再你说什么,宗旨只要说点,哪怕很荒谬,那也是你能用英语交流的表现.