养生百科 诗词大全 搞笑图文 食物相克 周公解梦


朋友们好!看到很多战友已经写出了前三部分的感想,那我就谈谈口语吧。很幸运,被安排在了今天(尽管是下午的最后一个,但是不要因此而懈怠哟!因为interviewer还是非常敬业的哦!)考口语,总体感觉比较顺利,而且考官是个又和蔼又PP的JJ,好像还是新任的,大概是对这份工作感觉还比较新鲜吧。好,言归正传,下面是我的具体情况。1st part:personal informationwhere were you born? Describe your home town.What are the disadvantage and advantage of your hometown.What's your current accomodation,describe it.2nd part:Tell me onething you would like to learn to.*what is it?*why you want to learn?*where would you like to learn it?...3rd part:Tell me some rules on campus.How does the elder people think of the youngster's dressing habit?what kind of clothes you like?Do students get some non-academic training at school?Give some examples.Is there any change on educational style between generation of your parents and current students?这只是大意,不是十分的精确,而且还有一些问题记不大清了。不好意思。:)我的感觉是,只要轻松的进入状态,把考官当作聊天的对象,就能够发挥出比较好的水平。每次在我正要展开再说点的时候,就会被打断了,让我觉得好像有头无尾,不知道这算不算是好兆头。希望一切顺利!也希望每一个人都取得满意的成绩!