养生百科 诗词大全 搞笑图文 食物相克 周公解梦


southluoJust finished IELTS in Shanghai today. Listening, version 27, not so difficult. section 1 is about a Janpanese girlapplied for the visa.section 2 was about the preference and time. in section3,buying habits. section 4 was talking about time management.Reading(version 26): Passage 1 was Dye and pigment, easy! There were two parts inthis passage, but i didn't use another part that was talking about the Pigment(thesecond part). So you needn't read the whole passage. Passage 2 was talking aboutCinema, you should choose the name of this passage. Passage 3 was talking about thetheory of Lavor(i really forgot what was the name of that person).writingWriting: task 1: 2 bar chart about the employment of graduates in Australia in1998. task 2: what is the best measure of a country's success. some people think itis the enjoyment of the people in this country, but it is nothing to do with themoney. But others think it is a rich economy in this country. How about yourargument.Interview: it was said that all the girls today was talking about the music and thechinese knots, while the boys talked about the sports.( in stage 2, cue card).总的来说并不是很难,本人要求也不是很高。我就复习了大概20天去考了,而且以前6级也没过。所以,只要对自己有信心就可以成功了!我还有很多雅斯的书没有做过的,5-6折卖掉,只限上海。可以发mail: southluo@sina.com最后祝大家考得好,希望给大家带来有用的信息。