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12月8号武汉IELTS 秘闻

xj576@hotmail.com12月8号的武汉--湖大考点考试可谓全国首例,耳机全坏是公放的且不说,一直考到下午1点多。口语考试我提前了一小时考的,且只考了5分钟,“BRITISH BEAUTY”问的巨快,是不是他们中午没吃饭饿的慌!listening,V27 / reading,V16 /writing,V72speaking,free but fast.need most simple langulage. 12月8日考试有感听力简单,但section 4顺序乱,不容易跟上。阅读很难,我感觉比新东方的题还难。写作越来越抽象,不过本人提前了25分钟完成,还可以。口语简单,但考我的老头有口音,要仔细听,好在没有让他重复问题,我被考了很多问题,自我介绍部分很少。section 1where did u come from?How long have you been bj?Introduce your hometown?Section2About clothes?What kind of clothes do you like?Why?How the elder people's attitude?Why?Section 3Interesting builidng in your hometown?Where?what it looks like? What it was usedto? How about the status of tourist there?How do you think the historic and traditional building?If we should keep the traiditional building?Why?