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2002.1.19-20 我的最新作文和口语

sire详细大作文题目:1. new invention (computer phone etc) more and more change people live .2. will it bring some positve or negtive effect ? 3. answer your questions with your relevent example of your experenice 口语的我贴在出国考试里了, 1月20日ielts 口语 问了很多问题,比如去哪儿旅游,你平时上班都干了些啥等。基本都对答如流,还引伸了很多。topic 居然是how to learn english ? hehe ....心里狂笑。1.when you start to learn english , describe most interesting english class , which thing help to your english . 流利回答完毕后,赞扬了ielts 一番,very help for improving my english , 考官还问我学英语有没有 很dull 的地方?回答考toelf好dull 考 ielts 好interesting . hehe. 考官又问我他学中文会不会很难? 当然没有问题,因为你很聪明(拍马匹要紧)。 总结:运气不错,选中了个最简单的topic .