各种面部表情: 板着脸put on a grave expression; 哭丧着脸with grief written all over his face; 拉长脸pull a long face; 脸红脖子粗flush with agitation; 脸气歪了face contorted with fury; 面有难色show signs of reluctance; 面如死灰look deathly pale 脸上的东西: freckle雀斑; forehead额; temple太阳穴; eyebrow眉毛; eye眼睛; cheek面颊; nose鼻子; lip嘴唇; mouth嘴; chin下巴; wrinkles皱纹; crow's feet鱼尾纹; mole痣; dimple酒涡; pimple粉刺; eye boogers眼屎; scar疤痕; whiskers络腮胡; acne marks暗疮印