养生百科 诗词大全 搞笑图文 食物相克 周公解梦


1.准备时间   2月初递表到香港,3月初收到第一封信,一星期后通知考雅思,开始背单词。    4月初报名,同时参加了新东方20Y03为期一个月的长期班培训。    5月12日课程结束,从14日开始请假在家复习。    5月27日上午参加了考试。    2.考试经过   早早赶到考场,却发现忘了买邮票,只好选择自己去看成绩了。    9.30开始听力考试,先开始试音。北语的耳机效果很好,就是有些夹耳朵。试音时听到了"dadada"的噪音,不知道哪个家伙没关手机。幸好考试的时候没有了。   听力: Version 23    第一段: 大约是一个老太太被人抢了,警察对一个目击者(also old woman)调查对话。  忘了         cinema        | West Street |  -----------------------------------------        ------------------------            证人位置            受害者位置?  ---------------------------------------|         |--------------------  bank         library    questions: 受害者被抢位置? 我听的好象在library前。 罪犯同伙开车接应地点? 似乎是West Street。老太太情况? 选择有(未受伤),(受伤),(upset),我听的似乎是受伤, 肯定不是upset。目击者行动?(追罪犯),(报警),(检查老太太的情况),我选追罪犯。bag内2个物品?(purse),($50),(doorkey),…,我选前两个。两个罪犯特征?一张表,若干问题,年龄,高矮,头发颜色,特征等,比较有把握的是第二个罪犯的年龄35,特征是scar。    第二段: 有关莱式兄弟发明飞机的文章。单项选择。questions: 莱式的研究方法?我的答案: 以前的数据? 第三段: 同样关于飞机发明。填空。遇到第一个问题?。怎么解决? by wind tunnel 第二个问题? 怎么解决?忘了一张表,另外3个人的研究,那里人? 遇到什么问题?谁出钱? 第四段:plant 对城市的作用。可以降低风速,影响湿度等。比较简单。总的感觉:似乎不比东方的听力磁带更难,很清楚,也没听出什么口音。   阅读部分: Version 13    大家请注意: 此次考试有18个YES,NO,NOT GIVEN!    第一篇5个语言学习班广告,对应8个多项选择,比较烦人。   第二篇 因施工修路,通知某条街交通暂时中断的文章。内容很简单,但是题目是YES,NO ,NOT GIVEN,让人很迷糊。   第三篇 关于学生贷款,给出了允许贷款的条件,然后问你一些关于贷款的问题,回答是YES,NO,NOT GIVEN。    第四篇 关于制服的介绍,制服功能的演变和使用范围,题目分两部分:   1.相当于Heading 匹配,下列内容在哪一段里被提到?(不一定代表整段内容)。    2.又是Y,N,NG。比较恐怖。    作文:Version 7 writing    1.写一封信给保险公司,告诉它们你参加了一次旅行并办了旅游保险,但是你在旅途中丢了东西,告诉保险公司丢了什么以及值多少钱,以及怎么丢的。 writing   2.现在人们穿着越来越紧跟时尚,但是有些人却不这样,他们认为应该按自己的喜好和舒适来选择服装。你的观点。55分钟勉强写完,但愿能拿到5分?   口语:我的口语被悲惨的安排在第二天上午,准备了半天的“good afternoon”算是白费了。我被安排在10:10,但是我去的很早。建议大家至少提前半个小时去,因为你前面的人有可能缺考,有的考官速度极快,如果该你是你不在,就会把你跳过去。有间屋子考官速度特别快,结果当一个10:50的考生10:40去的时候,他已经在屋子里空坐了半个钟头,可以想见这个考生会面临什么( 我的考场正相反,本来第一个人就迟到了,速度还特别慢,我前面一个人从10:15到10:40在里面大约呆了25分钟,把我也弄的十分紧张。好容易轮到我,走到门边却发现门关着。敲了三下没反应,伸头从门玻璃 上往里看,隐约看到一头金发。还是没反应,她好象低头在整什么材料。 又忍了20秒,又敲三下,她总算开门了,是个大约二三十岁的女的,看上去还比较和气。她对我说:I’m sorry, wait a moment,ok?  just two minutes。我语无伦次的回答:OK,… thank you … @#!@$$#%,过了3分钟,门总算开了,放我进去后,good morning一番,她please 我 sit down,然后开始。  She : My name is ??? (不是没听清就是没记住),and can you tell me your name? I: My name is ...., my family name is .. , and my given name is .. ( 标准答案 ) S: Where are you come from ? I: I come from Zhengzhou , the capital of Henna province, which is in central china. S: Can you say something about your hometown?  I: Well, Zhengzhou is a mid-size city, there are two millions people there...( 没词了,说说天气吧) the weather in Zhengzhou is just like that in Beijing, it always windy, and very dry, ... the wind covered every thing with dirt. S: so why you come here?  I: (未准备的问题,赶紧转换话题)I found a job in Beijing. I am working in new oriental school as a computer engineer now. S: I know this school. (面录微笑).  I: (信心大增)it is very famous in china.  S: Describe your work. I: my daily work is like this: every day i come to my office, open my computer, connect to the internet through modem, check my email account, and reply some letter. you know I am a developer, I developed several software, so everyday there are always some user of my software send email to me to get technical support ... mm, I also maintain the new oriental school's webserver, so I login in the server every day and check the system. I also write some program which runs in the webserver. S: do you design the website's page?  I: actually not. I design the webserver's CGI program.  S: (没听清 ...), so you are a webmaster? I: yes, I am a webmaster. S: do you think the technology is changing our life? I: yes, I believe the technology is making our life more and more convenient. For example, some years before we can only connect by mail, but now we can connect others by email, or by cell phone. Now every one has a cell phone. ...mm, since I major in computer, I am always interested in computer field. For instance, you can save your money in one bank and draw it from a other bank, because all the bank are connected by computer network system.  S: but do you think there are some secure problem in computer net? I: yes, of course there are a lot of secure problem. For instance, we can buy something through the line, but I seldom do such things. Because I don't want input my credit card number and password. Maybe there are some one ... mm... hacker hide in the line, and sniff your password. S: yes, it is happened to some of my friends. I: it's terrible. S: now I want you ask me some questions... (给我一张cue card) 是说interviewer received a visit invitation,要求你了解一些有关邀 请的详细信息。谁邀请的?为什么邀请她?她想去吗?和邀请者的关系怎么样?准备呆多久?等等。我在这里犯了一个大错误,是那个人从Brazil 来北京邀请她会面,我听成了邀请她到brazil。别的没什么大问题。  S:Why do you want to emigrate to Canada?  I: I want to earn more money, to live more better, and widen my eyesight. There are a lot of it companies in Canada, I think I can find a good job in here .and if I can go to Canada, I also can go to USA, and I can go to all the world.  I can not go some where as a Chinese citizen, there are so many limits.  S: 设想你十年后在做什么?(记不清原话)。 I: ten years is a long time. I seldom think so far. maybe i can save a lot of money, and start my own business. I’m still not exactly sure what my company should focus on, but it must be in computer field. S: 如果你的计划不能实现,找不到工作怎么办?  I: the first thing I will do after I arrive Canada is improve my oral English. if I can speak English frequently, I think it's easy for me to find a job in computer field.  Because I have rich experience in internet technology and computer programming... I’m sure I can find a good job.  S: I agree with you. You are a specialist.  希<