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5.11 大连G类 出汗

8点集合,进考场,气氛紧张,连再上厕所也不让。但我坚持去了。人权!8点50,黑板上通知听力版本49,一身冷汗。selection,三选一1.一个女的去商店应聘,部门是women section?children?2.now the section'name is youngster set(sure).fill in the blank3.every afternoon coffee break is :15 minutes(sure)4.every month educstion time is on: the first Tuesday (sure)5.boss's name: wadell?It is very easy to listen and catch.6.boss's addressis :Room 127.discount rate is: 25%8.DUTE include: window dressing9.Must wearlack skirt