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听力:version00026section1:男女对话example是该死的男的让女等了30分钟男到后要了被cold minaral water解释迟到是the machine doesnt work in bank后与一个来自europe的人交谈之后男hungery 要了food and drink两人商量游览景区:Castle,Garden,Cathredral,Art Gallary..问题是那些景区全天开放,那些免费,那些只星期一看放。(multiple choice)我的做法是边听边记录,全记下后在作题。(complete sentence)男的要去cathedral climbe the towersection 4:关于调查学生对学校新studnet union的意见方法:questionair 2,000 respondentsa table 横轴: site1, site2, site3 site3:more room for facilities 中州:disavantage/advantage site1:trafic paking problemmultiple choice 1.学声要建两个facilities 2.学生不要drama center 的原因 3.保障secuity的两个方法**记得这个version有大虾曾详细述,小妹水平有限,就不献丑了。(以免答案悟道)reading:version00052passage one:dye 和 pigent 的不同1summary 在第一段找2mutiple choice :natural dye 的三个feature3mutiple choice:dye 的无个procedure passage two:电影的发展1。matching praragraph key word:speed,biase culture,personal,future diavatage,story2.multiple choice3.t/f/ngpassage threexxauthor 的一本书,里面提到了xx 的thorey,全文围绕他的thorey 展开1。multiple choic2.t/f/ng3.summary 在最后一段writing;68shanghai 3月的考题task one:two graphs one is the number of property crimes(theft)     M 型 number:4500-5400  the other is number of voilent crimes "高压电标志”型 number:500-750   task two: some one think we developing into "throw_away"society, to what exent you agree,and how solve the problem?**如果在广州考,只要把2001.7later-2002年shanghai考题,广州没考的收集,准中!(前提是收集全面).不超过15篇.我收集过,但不一顶齐,如谁要可发email给你.oliviachan@163.netspeaking:part one;name hometown(guangzhou),the climat of it,the history of it,the famous of guangzhou do you prefer staying at home or out at night if out at night what do you do where you dont like to go? part two:book minor question: do you recomnd it to your frinds part three:1.waht book chinese like to read? 2.why people read books? 3.waht books men,women,child read? 4.what do you think modern techonogy has a impact on people's reading habit? 5.compare the film or tv with the book?which better?which you prefer? **考官是一个极其nice的中年的.极度宗教信仰的美国女人.她好象专攻我所长,而我不懂的她就迅速带过,也许是god赋予她的优点.以上所述全是做梦想象.如与考试雷同,实属不幸.