养生百科 诗词大全 搞笑图文 食物相克 周公解梦


发贴:   viviany(vivi) 听力是VERSION56其实就是VERSION37。WRITING VERSION100,TASK ONE,THE CHART SHOWS THE PROPORTION OF THE DIFFERENT AGE GROUP ATTAINING A RANGE OF COURSES IN A COLLEGE IN 2001,ONE is acedamic courses ,one is arts courses the last one is sports and health course, the group is 19-25/26_39/40 and above 40acedamic 55%are the age of 19_25.the largest proportion of arts is the group about 40 and above 40. the spors and health course is the group at the age of 26_39u should explain why the proportion should be differenttask 2somepeople believe that a country should have the morial obligation to help the other country and some of the people think that exist the mispending of the government and the aid money can not be get by the poor .what is ur opinion,reading ,version 56. one is about the butterfly ,the different pattern of the butterfly, be careful about the different people/s saying,one is about the risk ,people take risk one is to benefit ,some believe can reduce the loss. .....the last one is about the international trade. why it increase so fast.listening, 1a talk between a man and a woman about the party,. (1)venueollege accommodation room.(2) the people invited .all the student, office staff ...the time during with to collect money: coffee break,the money people should pay per person :$6ask the people take:music, dictionaries. the sutudent should give the(speech)21, the(c)marketing pouches2, forget, MULTIPLE CHOICE3, teacher/s minimal requirement.(doploma)4 ENTERTAINMENT. AND COMMONDATION5 FORGET,. MULTIPLE CHOICE(3)A HEATHY PROBLEM.   1good shoes 2comfortable Clothes 3fittenss 4 weighting training5the trend A(INCREASE)6 choose the one contain " ENERGE"7, A HELP THE people to use the facilities8chooes the one means busy  and have no time(4) pollution1, soil ,2 CO2.3sheep and cattle 4  wind water power5 cities 6 rainfall. 8 coastal.Warning, number may not matches the answer9enjoy training ※来源: 【无忧雅思社区】.