发贴: danyer(danyer) 公元二零零二年九月十四日,于上海华师之文史楼上,发生了惊天地,泣鬼神的奇事:亚斯听力考到一半时,居然停电!导致近十分钟的真空状态!当那些菜鸟在惊惶失措时,哈哈,我可就白白多了十分钟的时间看题,宝贵的十分钟啊!废话少说,先说版本号:Listening: V 55 Reading: V 55 Writing: V96这版本怪怪的,在大虾lxp提供的题库里没有该版本,但确认是listening V55 = V39 总感觉是listening and writing 绝对的简单!但 reading 是暴难,我做完了回头一看,抽了一口冷气,不是选择就是true false not given,这样导致每篇文章明显较长!水平差一点的同志全部精读完的话,时间明显是不够的!(我就是其中的一个,呜呜)Listening: Section 1: 是一个mother打电话到customer service to compain about a CD programSection 2: a man and a woman talk about some thing like woman playing football.Section 3 telephone auto answer say about a the service about a travel companySection 4: a man have a lecture about a activity "sheep shape"Writing: Task 1: this table show the amount that about populations who live in the largest cities in 1960,1980 and 2000.Task 2 : Televesion is dangerous because it destory the family living and communit. Some people said that it abosorb peoples' time too much so that they have no time to talk about each other. In how extent do you agree or disagree, give your opinion. -------------- --I am running a program that completing my soul.-- ※来源: 【无忧雅思社区】.