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记得曾经在9月预测的那片帖子中提到后四个月的听力猜想,经过9月的两次考试,初步验证了猜想的正确性,即53-57对应37-41,9.21也是应该遵循这个规律的。从下半年第一次开始考雅思算起7.13日-8.10日的5次,算是第一波,考完了37-41的所有的新题目,从8.17开始上演+16的第二波,即53-57,还剩下没考的是54,56,即38,40。剩下的猜想留待以后验证作文方面,大家不要受9.14新题的影响,我觉得并不是鬼子把题目换了,而是原来的那个并不是V96,我们一切以国内考过的版本号为准,所以原来标号为96的题目还是要准备,还剩下如下题目#Version 90task 1:曲线图,是讲Carbon Dioxide的Produced,还比较简单task 2:某篇研究报道发现Young Women的犯罪率在升高,请给出一些Possible的理由和解决的办法年轻女子犯罪率上升,原因和解决办法。Version 92task 1是条状图,5个国家的资源情况,简单task 2是有关小孩在做体育活动的时候是仅仅当活动呢, 还是当做正式的比赛来看待,说出你的观点。小孩作体育运动,是当成是游戏好,还是比赛好?Version 94the advantage and disadvantage of the Tourism in your countryVersion 95“现在很多国家的学校分男校和女校,谈一下它的优缺点。”Version ?目前版本号为未知,没考过,还是要准备的Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of the improvement in the standard of living—AGRUMENT#Version 97 task 1是两张表,English language students in one private sector college and one public sector college 不同地区学生所占的百分比。task 2 有些人把动物只当作宠物,有些人则当作食物和衣服的来源,你觉得呢?怎么看?请从以上两个方面讨论并写出自己的观点。#Version 98task 1:是一个graph曲线图,说在1980到2000年的18-21years old的amount of money spent on lexiusgoods,有个增长最大的是photographs,从0到100,还有sports,musical(从100到25),computer task 2:是讲someone said the age of book is past, the info will be presented by video, computer, television, film. Others think the book and the written words will be necessary for spread info & complete education. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. #Version 99 task 1是条状图,5个国家的资源情况,简单 task 2现在的计算机翻译软件发达,孩子还用学外语吗Some people think that machine translation is highly developed in today’s society, therefore it is not necessary for children to learn a foreign language. What’s your opinion? #Version 102task 1:分析DIFFERENT ENTERTAINMENT的,难的是时态,有1970、1990和2010的。task 2:最近我门面对越来越多的汽车,步行人和骑自行车的人越来越危险,而且,许多花园要当作被建公路和高速公路的祭品了,问你怎么样才是最好的办法让每个居民都满意?Version 103task 2:Over past 50 years,young people gain status and power but old people have lost. What is the cause and is it a good development or bad development? G类的可以练练这篇9-7墨尔本G类作文。WRITTING: PART 1: Your freind plan to come and spend holiday with u, but u not avaible at that time. write a letter applogise it and offer some alternatives.PART TWO; In many countries, people don't wear their national costume. Many people think it will forget their history and tradition. so, people should be encouraged to wear national costume every day. U agree or disagree. (this is argumentive topic, u should support one or another )lxp小迷糊2002.9.15