发贴: hd21cn(blueberry) 听力版本:00059section1: 一老太太买了一CD,质量不过关,要退货,比较简单section2: 导游带队参观公园。(我做的不好)section3: 一男一女对话,是关于做实验的,有填表题section4: 一男的说了一大堆关于做一个什么Application Form相关的东东1 (tutor) 2 (approval) 3 某个时间忘了 14/11..(qulification) .... recruit method eg (advertisement) .... (safety officer)具体人名已经在括号里给出 ... (details) financial: (award) and sponsor ...(expected duration).阅读版本:00040第一篇:工作广告的选取,有页数和日期的选择第二篇:某地驾驶证的规则第三篇:simon's correspondence study (函授教育)第四篇:蜜蜂的行为 三个跳舞的方式: 35. round 36. s开头的一个单词,就在round的旁边,记不得了 37. waggle 38. food source(方向) 39. sun(角度) 40. feeding dish(拿什么玩意儿获得结果的)作文版本:00083Task 1:you are in a local company and you want to have a training course in another city. write a letter to your boss. give the details of the course. explain the reason why you need to attend the course. tell him how much time you need to take off from your work.Task 2:In the past, we have no computers, Internet, and ...what is positive and negative effects of these developments 大概只记得这么多了,感觉自己听力和作文做得不是很好,希望能有好运气了,希望下午考口语的哥们儿姐们儿做点贡献啊!^_^ -------------- ※来源: 【无忧雅思社区】.