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9.21华师大口语, 作文 - G

发贴:   bencho2002(ben) 9.21华师大口语, 作文从无忧雅思吸取了不少经验,现也将我的经验供后来者分享。今天给我考试的是一个新加坡中年女人,华裔。发音还是比较纯正的美音,没有口音。她先问我是作什么的,然后让我描述了一个普通的工作日。接下来问我,人什么时候最适合学习新的东西,你最近学过什么新的东西吗?又问我,对于cooking是怎么看的,我是否喜欢cooking.then she gave me the cue card (which is acctually a paper), the card says, what is the countrythat u want to visit most, why u want to there, when will you want to go.After that, she asked me what was my recommendation historial place to visit Shanghai.Then, nowadays do people want to take a trip outside Shanghai in their vacations? why?Last, she asked can you say sth about the tourism facilities that changed in Shanghai in recent years?作文,第一篇是写一封信给你的general manager要求参加一个培训,and this training course is heldin another city.1. what is the course about.2. why you need to attend this course3. how long will the course take.第二篇,In the past, people seldom have computers, internet and mobile phones.discuss the advanteges and disadvanteges of them.总的来说作文不难,不偏,准备充分一点是没有问题的。     --------------   ※来源: 【无忧雅思社区】.