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10.12 广州IELTS(推荐)

信人:   babeqian(Ann) 考完了!比较简单。放心吧,肯定能行。GOOD LUCK!  listening: V65 section 1a boy student want to rent a room. gap filling1. own bedroom with desk and TV;2. don’ eat meat and cheese;3. weekdays dinner at 7:00pm;4. weekdays lunch at college;5. weekends lunch in fridge;6. weekends dinner can eat in restaurant or buy take away;7. enter room with house key;1. take the no. 201A bus to school; 9. no smoking, can go to garden; section 2a  man introduces someting to international students.multipul choice(i cannot remmenber the answers now. generally they are quite easy) section 3forget?! section 4mulitipul choice and table fillingeasy enoughtable filling: research assistant;parents , and so on.i cannot remmember alleach answer is given quite clearly. reading V62section 1about advertising?may be , i'm not so surematching topic sentences and each paragraghquite easyjust read the first sentence of the paragragh. that's okthen T/F/NOT GIVEN section 2about map makingmatching again!then 2 short answer questionsmuiltipul choice section 3about forests in Europethen T/F/NOT GIVEN again!then matching again!!finally a muiltipul choice That's all  writhing V 90task 1carbon dioxide emission in UK from 1980 to 2000 task 2young women crime!!口语第一阶段,问颜色(你喜欢的颜色是什么? 是否一直喜欢它?它有什么特别意义?在中国颜色有没有什么特别意义?)问museum,你去过吗?(我只去过一次不喜欢去)什么MUSEUM在中国比较受欢迎?为什么?你认为,MUSEUM 应该收费吗?MUSEUM怎么才能更吸引人?第二阶段CURE CARDPHOTOGRAGH!第三阶段跟你讨论有关照片的问题有些技术性的东西,说老实话,我不大熟悉,于是直说不大清楚啦,在其他问题上再大谈一番就是啦她问到NEWSPAPER上用照片的问题。NEWSPAPER 上是照片比较吸引人还是文章?诸如此类吧。反正就你熟悉的东西你就多说点,不熟悉的,就别勉强,省得说多错多:)       --------------     ※来源: 【无忧雅思社区】.