养生百科 诗词大全 搞笑图文 食物相克 周公解梦


Stage1:1.What is your full name?2.Are you working or studying now?3.Discribe a normal your working day?3.What do you think is the popular sports in china?4.Do you like to learn new skills?5.What age do you think is the best time to learn a new skill?5.Have you learnd any new skills recently?Stage2:Discribe a popular children game in china1.What is it2.Where does it play3.How to play it4.Explain why it is popularStage3:1.What is the difference between boys and girls when they choose a game?2.Do you think people play games(sports) too serious?(我当时没听清,以为问的是sports,不过答完后觉得应该是问games。郁闷!!)3.Do the children"s games chang now?4.Do you think it is a good thing?5.Do you think It is impant for children?why?6.stage3 好象有所遗漏,当时太紧张了,有几个问题都没听清,讲了三次PARDON,不知道会不会扣分?这次口语,鬼婆从第一个问题开始不停的看表,搞的我莫名其妙的紧张,我讲的太多,还是...?然后开始第二部分时,我绝对相信她只给了我一分钟就叫停了,搞到我连卡片上的第四个问题都没时间讲,怎麽回事??平时还以为至少要讲够2分钟??我的语速比较快,特别是一紧张的时候,她该不会以为我是背的吧?天啦,冤啊,我可从没背过啊!!!郁闷!! tracy_zhou(tracy)