发贴:minmin_lv 我是22日下午3点半考的,考官中间休息完回来的第一个。叫了去门口等,他在里面不知道搞什么东东,我足足站在门口等了5分钟!!我当时的心情同伊拉克人民开战前一小时的心情不会相差太远。进去后,考官是个年龄从45-60的??国籍male(对不起,我的判断力不成)。打过招呼后,马上就入正题。我是第二次烤鸭了,这次考试中心的设备改进啦,不用夹那个咪在衣领上,我来广州之前还特意挑一件扣钮的外套,因为上次穿的是套衫,没有地方扣,磨蹭了一会儿才开始。好啦,下面是我的口语题目:your full name?how can i call you?in china,where are most people live in?the most important industry in china?do you think china changed a lot in the several decades?ok,now i ask sth. about your personal aspects?what is your faviour hobby?what is the importance about lessure time to people?where did you born?what you played in there?ok,now i give you a topic我的题目是a story or a book,请注意,当天被问到这个题目的人相当多!!i will give you 1.5minutes, you can talk about the topic,and i won`t interrupt you.我说了Titanic,因为以前准备过关于file的题目,现在改一下就可以再用。我说了大半,然后他就叫我停。how many times have you seen it?how the books influenct the formal education?what is your opinion about the education?因为我说中国的教育体系是spoon-feed(填鸭式教育),教科书比较boring,然后他马上就问我i know the testbook is a little bit boring, how can we imporve it?chinese people read books, they suffer pressure, what do you think about it?(这条题我不确定是不是这样,因为他边说边想,又修正,说得比较烂)但pressure这个词很清晰why some books so popular?关了录音机后,他又问我are you nervious?我只好承认是,告诉他我站在外面等的时候像等打仗,他大笑,告诉我不用紧张,还说我perform得比较好,希望不要是安慰我的。