VERSION NUMBERLISTENING V78READING V85WRTING V112or 102(有点忘记了)最近听力部分V78好象考了很多次。阅读很简单,比在新东方的模拟容易。写作部分 TASK 1Three bar charts represent population(in million), literacy (in percentage) and books published(in thousand) in four different countries.1) A 国的三项数字都比较高。2 B C D国的三个数字都是有高有低。TASK 2People argue that the old at the age of 55 should stop working in order to give more opportunities to the new generation. what's your opiniion?ORAL the bold foreigner asked me sth about popolar televisiion programmer and public transport in my hometown in stage 2 and 3.白天的电视广告和晚上的电视广告有什么区别?这个问题给我印象最深。我当时不知道怎么说,只好说: perhaps there are some differences between them. but i have never thought of it before.那个有点秃头的老外马上就OK。而且换了一个问题。some common questions were asked in stage 1. hobby. your study in university ,etc.口语考试其实挺轻松的,考官不会让你感觉到很紧张。他们都很有礼貌。dawn