养生百科 诗词大全 搞笑图文 食物相克 周公解梦


发贴:wendell    11月15日G类听力、作文题及作文(西安)听力没有意外,老老实实都在V21-V41范围内v29s1+v30s2+V27s3+v23s4(机警不全)READING考试多是匹配题,T/F/NG加 难度writing:task1. you do a full-time job and have an evening course, for some reasons you cannot jion the part-time course.explain to teacher2. should people keep pets? especienly in busy socity.wendy@163.nx.cnIELTS G essay task1 and task2   could be provided to you I have TV serial 'Friends'.