养生百科 诗词大全 搞笑图文 食物相克 周公解梦

IELTS 12月6日完整解答

发贴:wow    声明以上答案为本人所写的答案所以可能和您写的答案会有些出入而这也不是标准答案!请放心 ^^|||---代表和机精有出入的地方或补充听力答案 v33s2v36s3v37s1v41s4v33s2A man introduces the zoo, 包括结构平面图及有关信息,线路清晰,而且标明起点, 做题前应看清标志性建筑 11) 选择题, 选开放此park的main purpose: 选: B education and research for public; 12)--14) 在地图上填三个Area的名字 12) (Forest area )13)(Rare fish area) ---这一个答案有问题...是fish funds什么的...14) (Market garden) (Vegetable area? 注意听) ----是market garden15)--18)为选择题 15)What are the transportation tools used in the park? A) tram, bus, train B) bike, walk, motorcycleC) tram, bike, walk D) taxi, tram, solar car ---机精是写C,不过答案是A(而且机精的排列和真正的不同!)这四个选项太接近互相又有交叉说话人又不是一口气把所有交通工具都说出来选C 16) 把珍稀动物放在这里干嘛?why animals feed here? 选:breeding17) when doesn't open to the public?选: a short period of the year18)饲养的动物种类,Species in rare animal area?A. goatsB. horsesC. hens---goats and hens 有这2个东西19)What can you see at this time?bloom of flowersdemonstration of fishing---这才对20) 五选二What you can buy in reception desk:soft drink---真正只有drinks(但他不卖酒...所以无法选)books about animals---这一个soft toysbooks about these areasvariety of food---还有这一个另外还有几个options其中有books of organic farming(没听清楚)v36s3一个南极研究所的问题21—26) 选择题:21) why Christchurch is selected as a research center?选: AA.地理原因:geographical locationB.气候原因C.因为在NEWERLAND 有的(历史原因)22) 设立visitor's center的目的,即:这个地方可以为游人提供?选: A---应该是show them the view of AnterlaticA. training B.show them the view of AnterlaticC.provide a accommodation23) 被访者对南极的印象? 选:A 或 B---不是被访者...而是说话的人...答案是BA.too cold to visitB. extremely  beautiful C.----------24) 为什么说南极是其它洲的一部分? 选:dry continent  (或:geographical evidence shows )---geographical evidence shows25) 通常去考察的时间?选: in summer---没有这一题26) “南极为什么这么冷”? 选:surrounded with icy water四周都是冰冷的海---没听清楚 @@"....好像有说风吹27—28) 填表题:27) 《南极公约》的提议时间: 1882-188328) 195*年, signed《南极公约》 29—30) 多选题:《南极公约》的内容或目的: 29) 选:C.no nuclear test               30) 选:A.no military use (因为文中提到了peaceful place and no pollution)v37s1邀请参加John 的告别晚会的准备内容Goodbye party for John.全部是填空题Venue: 1. College Dining RoomWho to invite (Tony):      John and his wifeDirector2. Office staffAll teachers3. All students---不知道有没有allWhen to send the invitations: 4. December 10 / 10th of DecemberPresents (Maria):(由Maria 准备礼物)Collect money from each one: 5. $6  (15 个人共$90)When to collect money:     6. coffee breakCheck prices for:          CD player7. set of dictionaries / check present’s price of: dictionariescoffee makerAsk people to bring:        snacks8. music tapes9. photos (special/simple games)---photos才是正确...simple game是说他去年带过...Ask student representative to give a: 10. speechv41s4内容: 关于一个保健调查活动的注意事项(截止日期)31—32)填空题、31)必须要有导师签字 give to your (tutor)for signature ; 32)give a copy to (subcommittee ) 学校委员会for (approval); 33-- 40) 表格填空:33) 招聘员工采用的形式recruit method:  through (advertisement)34)交副本的最后期限dead line:        hand in by (14th November)35) 所有参加项目的调查人员investigators need (qualifications)(注意复数) 36) 必须有足够的详细数据            must have (sufficient details)37) pecial information of (finance)38) Financial:                        if you have any (award) or sponsor;---awards? 不知道 @@38). Financial: 39). go to the safety office---safety officer才对40). about the starting point and expectation of duration;阅读答案(From 宝宝机精 www.*******.com)S1新题不会太难讲有关强化玻璃的原理为什么龟裂...还有其它人的想法配对...另外还有一篇小文章让你填S2v27s2iq test的问题YES/NO/NOT GIVEN问题一堆第一,二题都NOT GIVEN选择:1,the aim of the testa,为了讨论iq 测试b.. c 为了说明iq 测试的limitation d,iq 测试的历史---C2, 一位教授进行intelligent test 是为了a,find those who are not perform satisfied.3, the test is design according toa math b age c reading skill d---social group的判断:1, to use this iq test in arm force is not the intension of the professor.---YES2,the test are only intended to used in Paris school.---NOT GIVEN---只说是为小朋友测试的...没有说只在那使用3,the professor regard measuring intelligent test as impossible.---NOT GIVEN---只说很难...没有说能不能S3v62s3是欧洲的森林保护TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN一堆不过应该不会太难翻面一个又臭又长的PARAGRAPH...不看不行不过非常简单写的题目有关于我们现在都从电视上看相同的节目...广告...etc那么写一下为什么缺点多于优点的样子说的题目讲一下在你国家最有名的人讲它是谁-...他做什么...他给人的印象另外第二部份问你healthy diet