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把前三个月的东西整理了一下,包括全部听力,阅读,作文  (?代表新题)5.15   L   V04133   V41S1 家族饭店 V29S3 V33S4R   V40 S1   V39 S2   health careW   Task 1: the number of people per household in the UK in 1981and 2001    Task 2: environmental problem 5.22   L   V40134   V29s1 运动城 V33s3 V21s4R   防弹玻璃   V41S2    V41S3W   Task 1:一个欧洲国家的forest industry, 3个曲线     Task 2: individuals are more greed and selfish ,some people said we shoulder return older 5.29   L      V34s1 V22s2 V26s3 V40s4R    V67s1   V38s2   V35s3W   Task1: distribution of population and spending on education Task2: A large amount of time and money spent on space research  还是improve the condition of people on earth.6.12   L   V30039   ? ? ? V6S4R   36S1   V42S2   V41S3W   Task1: 3个pie chart Task2: Many old building are protected by law because they are part of a nation's history. However, some people think knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices.How important is it to maintain old buildings? should history stand in the way of progress?6.19   L   V30037    ? V68S2 ? ?R  V35 用microwave技术提前预测桥梁damag    公共交通 list of headings  V35S3W   Task 1:写四个国家,苏丹,阿尔巴尼亚(好象),南非 四个国家的人口,30.9MILLIONS最多的, 然后写了在城市地区(URBAN)能使用安全水的比例已经农村地区(rural)能使用安全水源的比例,还有TOTAL比例Task 2:配枪问题6.26L   V30040   V66S1 ? V66S3 ?R   Aswan 水坝   V23S2   地图制作W   Task 1: s1,s2分别叫supermarket的选址,这座村镇是叫darlson(可能会乒错)。图上共有四条交通路线:railway从西北向东南(s1在它旁边),正西北有一条highway通A town(s1旁边)。s2坐落在town center中( town centre没有交通,是所谓步行街).在s2(在西北)的正南面和正北面还有两个工业园区 Task 2: Some people said the government shouldn't put money on art such as music and painting; they should spend more money on construction of public facilities. Agree or disagree?7.10L   V30042   ? V66S2 ? ?R   v24s1   v63s2   v24s3W   Task1:比较1988、1992、1998的teenagers的吸烟比率分male和femaleTask2:是fresh water shortage要求给出reason和解决方法--报考government和individual