9.17总分8分,听9、说7、读8.5、写7当我从网上查到自己的分数时,十分惊讶,但回想这段时间以来所做的努力,我有一种踏实的感觉。在去环球雅思培训中心学习之前,我对雅思考试一无所知。还记得第一次做雅思模拟测试题的时候,觉得很难适应那种题型,阅读量大,内容不熟悉;听力常常是听懂了却发现题目不会做;写作的题目也让我觉得无从下手,当听说周围有朋友考了7分的时候,真的羡慕极了。在学习的过程中,老师们从出题者的角度分析题型,使我感觉做题的时候不再“糊里糊涂”了,拿到一份题,对于用怎样的方法做,注意力放在哪里,心中渐渐有了些感觉。做雅思题的时候,要对题型熟悉,了解出题者的目的,这个在听力和阅读测试中特别重要。考之前的一个月,我坚持天天看英文报纸,听英文广播,用英文和自己对话,使自己保持对英文的“敏感度”;考前的半个月,做了几份套题,感觉比较有效果。考听力的时候很容易走神,所以一定要在听之前,记住题目中的几个关键词,不然很容易听漏答案。考阅读的时候,要保持头脑清醒,不要钻牛角尖,不会做的时候可以先放一放,答案都在原文,不要过多得自己推理,要把注意力放在对原文的分析。我想拿到这个好成绩,确实要感谢环球的老师,因为是他们提供给我了一种正确的做题思路。作文回忆Should we use animals in scientific experiments?Could the use of animals in scientific experiments be justified? Well you may get totally different answers when you are in different positions.Suppose you are a pet owner. When someone asks to take away your lovely dog for a scientific experiment, certainly you will cry out and claim that he or she is a devil. This is just the reaction we are expecting for it is love and concern for others that make human beings human, and this kind of love and care are not only existing among ourselves, but also between us and the nature. Can you imagine living in a world where people kill animals for any purpose they like? Can you expect people loving each other in that kind of world? It must be a nightmare.However, to get a fuller view of such a controversial issue, you should put yourself in another position. Scientific experiments using animals have contributed a lot in medical development. Thanks to that, cures for many kinds of disease, which have killed thousands of people in the past few decades, have been found now and many lives are saved. If you are one of those with that kind of disease, will you support using animals in scientific experiments that can save you or will you give up your hope of life? The majority chooses the former and it is reflecting the rule of the nature—the fittest survives. Every creature on the earth is a gift. We should love and protect them while at the same time make good use of them, since it is not only for our own sake but also for the sake of the harmony that existing in the nature world.