为了使您准确地完成IELTS考试在线预约,请仔细阅读下列说明:Please read the following points in order to make your pre-registration successfully: 1. 在北京参加IELTS考试的考生通过北语考试在线预约系统提交申请。北京地区不受理其他预约方式。Candidates who plan to take IELTS test in Beijing must pre-register with the system on the web site of the Overseas Test Center, Beijing Language and Culture University. 2. 在线预约报名不等同于报名。考生在考点办理报名手续才能正式注册。All pre-registered candidates must complete the required registration procedures at the test center. 3. 北语考试网站提前公布考试日期、预约受理开始时间以及预约限额。Web site:http://exam.blcu.edu.cnThe above mentioned web site will, in advance, release the information such as test dates, starting time for pre-registration and the quota. 4. 预约受理开始后,预约系统持续受理预约,直至额满。(注意:如果预约申请表的办理时间选项栏为空白,则意味预约系统不受理预约。)The pre-registration system will keep processing applications until the quota has been completed. (Note: the system stops taking in applications when the pull-down menu to select the handling time is empty.) 5. 考生可以随时填充已预约考生取消预约所留下的名额。当次预约第一个办理日期前24小时,系统停止受理预约申请和取消申请。Candidates may fill in any vacancies left by the candidates who have cancelled their pre-registration. The system automatically finishes pre-registration and cancellation 24 hours before the first designated registration date. 6. 预约系统提示允许预约的考试日期和受理的开始时间。考生按照要求逐项填写预约申请表,并根据个人情况选取相应的办理时间。表格如果出现空项,则不允许提交。The test dates opening for pre-registration appear on the system. Candidates must make sure that they have chosen the right test session and, then fill in the form completely. The submission definitely fails if any column in the form appears empty. 7. 考生成功提交申请后,预约系统将显示考生提交的信息、预约代码和办理手续的时间。考生可以打印留存,以便日后核对。Successful submissions result in the page showing the candidate’s personal information, a pre-registration code and a particular time to handle registration procedures. The candidate may then print the page for future verification. 8. 预约完成后,考生必须在指定时间到考点办理报名手续,届时应携带考生本人填写和签名的考试申请表、考生身份证(报名和考试必须使用同一证件)、另交身份证复印件1份、3张近期6个月正面免冠两寸照片、考试费1250元以及5元成绩邮寄服务费。预约的考生必须提供预约代码。Pre-registered candidates must come to the test center in time to proceed with the formalities, or make a cancellation. The candidates must bring the completed application form signed by the candidate, the candidate’s ID card (the same ID card must be used for both the registration and test), one photocopy of the ID card signed by the candidate, as well as two recent passport-size photographs, and the test fee of 1250 Yuan plus 5 Yuan mail seervice charge. The candidate must also bring the pre-registration code. 9. 考生办理手续不能提供预约代码、预登记的证件和报名材料,不予办理注册。Pre-registration is unacceptable invalid when a candidate fails to present his/her pre-registered code, or ID, or any required documentation, in the process of the registration. 10. 考生预约后不办理手续,又未在当次预约第一个办理日期前24小时取消预约,下次报考必须间隔三个月。Pre-registered candidates who fail to proceed with the formalities, or fail to make a cancellation in time, will only be able to re-register 3 months later on line. 11. 考生取消预约必须向在线预约系统提交已经登记的身份证号码和预约代码。取消预约完成后,系统将彻底删除考生的个人信息。考生再次预约,必须重新提交申请表单。Pre-registered candidates must submit their ID number and pre-registration code in order to make a cancellation. The system will delete the candidate’s information forever, once the cancellation is completed. 办公地点:北京市海淀区学院路15号北京语言文化大学教2楼2层联系电话:82303550图文传真:82303909邮政编码:100083