文/北京新航道雅思阅读主讲 李猛《超能失控》是一部由Joshua Trank执导的科幻恐怖电影。影片讲述了三个少年意外得到了超能力,但是又逐渐无法掌控这种超能力,从而引起失控超能大战的惊险故事。安德鲁是个郁郁寡欢的17岁少年,整日遭脾气不稳的父亲虐待,母亲又上染重病,使他对未来感到彷徨无助,一日,他的表哥麦特怂恿他参加活力四射的派对,在这里他遇见了在学校极受欢迎的史帝夫,史帝夫建议要一起去进行神秘的野外探险之旅,没想到在抵达目的地后,他们三人竟然意外地获得特异功能般的力量,可以藉由念力移动物体,或让自己在半空中飞翔。一开始他们对自己的超能力既惊喜又困惑,受到好奇心的强烈驱使,展开试验,越玩越过火,后来甚至恶作剧、欺负陌生人,为此他们也约法三章要节制,不过,一次的意外下,导致三人中的一人死亡,为此安德鲁感到愧疚,或许是痛苦的情绪需要发泄出口,他反而更执意的滥用超能力,硕果仅存的朋友则在此时力图阻止,二大超能力将正面对决……《超能失控》有意剑走偏锋,以一种全新的视角重新审视了"能力越大,责任越大"这一超级英雄的基本原则。(1)I really got into, like, altruism.我只是,我有些利他主义。Altruism n.利他主义Altruistic adj.利他主义的,不自私的Showing concern for the happiness 安定welfare of other people rather than for yourself_______is what we are looking up to when we watch the superhero movie.A egotism B cynicism C narcissism D altruism E supernaturalismAnswer:D当我们看超级英雄电影时,利他主义是我们所敬仰的。SAT OG再现:The two sisters selflessly dedicated their lives to the nursing profession; their _________ make them _________ , ones whose ways are worthy of imitation.两姐妹无私的把一生奉献给了护士;她们的_________让她们成为__________,是值得效仿的对象(A) aptitude eccentrics(B) morality emancipators(C) erudition enigmas(D) devotion egotists(E) altruism exemplarsChoice (E) is correct. "Altruism" is selfless behavior. "Exemplars" are those who are a model for others. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "The two sisters selflessly dedicated their lives to the nursing profession; their altruism made them exemplars, ones whose ways are worthy of imitation." The missing terms establish a relationship between the sisters' selfless dedication and the fact that they were worthy of imitation. Lives of altruism would cause the sisters to be considered "exemplars," or models for others to imitate. (2)unanimous adj.全体一致的,无异议的The villagers are unanimous in their opposition to the building of a bypass.村民一直反对修建旁道。(3) I can’t do that stuff that requires finesse.我无法做那种灵巧的事。finesse n.灵巧,策略SAT OG再现:Although Keller achieved national _________ as a hero, his lamentable _________ in the political arena soon became painfully apparent.虽然凯勒赢得了国民的__________ 成为了英雄,他可悲的_________在政治舞台上马上就显示出很糟糕。(A) recognition versatility(B) ignominy inadequacy(C) prestige finesse(D) prominence ineptitude(E) notoriety rectitudeChoice (D) is correct. "Prominence" means importance. "Ineptitude" means incompetence. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "Although Keller achieved national prominence as a hero, his lamentable ineptitude in the political arena soon became painfully apparent." The word "although" is a clue that one of the missing terms will be a positive quality while the other will be a negative one. In the first part of the sentence, "achieved" and "hero" place Keller in a positive light. "Lamentable" and "painfully" indicate that the second missing term will be a negative quality. A hero would be likely to achieve national prominence. "Ineptitude" is a negative quality that would beregrettable in political career.(4)This is the beginning of your downfall, hubris, right here.现在开始,这就是你骄傲的瓦解。______ is a common theme in Greek tragedies and mythology, whose stories often featured protagonists suffering from exaggerated pride and subsequently being punished by the gods for it.(A) obstinacy(B) hubris(C) impetuosity(D) valor(E) callousnessAnswer:BSAT OG重现:Mary Shelley's Frankenstein centers on a scientist's ___________, the overweening pride that makes him believe he can usurp nature.Mary Shelley的小说Frankenstein围绕着一个科学家的__________, 他自大到相信自己有能力控制大自然。(A) obstinacy(B) hubris(C) impetuosity(D) valor(E) callousnessAnswer:B作者简介:北京新航道学校雅思阅读主讲。北京化工大学英语专业学士,英语专业八级,在校期间曾连续六个学期获人民奖学金,多次获得校三好学生称号,曾参加北京奥运会、残奥会的志愿者工作,获得优秀志愿者称号。各个方面的优异表现也使他获得了北京市优秀毕业生称号。其教学风格轻松幽默,课堂上注重与学生的互动,教学态度认真严谨。