雅思词汇中其实如果我们找规律的话会发现很多有趣且容易记忆的方法。比如下文为大家介绍的每日雅思词汇Face to face面对面的交流短语,大家对比着记忆就会简单很多,以下是详细内容。 今日短语 面对面的交流就是 face to face,许多人认为这样的沟通效果和电话上或网上联系是不一样的。 今日小常识 Barcelona staged its final bullfight in September 2011 after Cataloniabecame the first region in Spain to ban the traditional spectacle. 2011年的9月,巴塞罗那举行了最后一场斗牛比赛。加泰罗尼亚地区成为西班牙第一个禁止传统斗牛比赛的地区。 例句: I've been in touch with my niece, who was born in South America, for yearsbut we have never met face to face. One way of overcoming my fear of dogs is to come face to face withthem! It must have been difficult for you to go to court and stand face to facewith the man who stole your wallet! 请注意 大家可千万别把 face to face 和 head-to-head 这两个表达给混淆了。如果双方处于直接对峙状态我们就可以用head-to-head 来形容这种情况。 The teams representing the best schools in the country will go head-to-headthis weekend in the national spelling contest. 以上就是每日雅思词汇Face to face面对面的交流短语的介绍,学会怎么记忆单词,不执着于难词,并注意学会换词,对比词形词义,这些都是我们记忆雅思词汇的时需要留意发现的。最后祝大家都能考出理想的雅思成绩。